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January 19

"The Story of Hannah and Being Real"

All ages
Whole families
Includes dinner
4th & Franklin

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Messy Church is

A way of being church for all ages. We are Christ-centered, creative, welcoming, and intergenerational. This is church — but not how you know it!  Activities, music, food.  Messy Church welcomes you into the messy, grace-filled family of God.

Messy Church logo® for online use.png

at Kuna United Methodist Church

All Ages  •  Christ-centered  •  Welcoming  •  Creative  • Celebration!

Includes Dinner


3rd Sunday of the Month, 4:30-6:30pm

4th & Franklin, Kuna

Parking in Back



Q: I'm not a member at Kuna UMC. Can I still come to Messy Church?

A: Yes! 


Q: I don't have kids, is Messy Church for me?

A: Yes!  Messy Church is not a kid-only event, but an all ages event, where all ages can learn together and grow in faith together. 


Q: Can I drop my kids off at Messy Church and come back later to get them?

A: No.  This is a whole family event.


Q: Is there a fee to attend Messy Church?

A: No.  The event is free to everyone. There will be an opportunity to contribute if you want to.


Q: I've been hurt by the church.  Is this a safe space?

A: We hope so.  It is our fervent prayer.  We are diligent about creating Messy Church as a space where people who have been hurt by the church or people who have never been part of church feel comfortable and safe to be themselves.

Church Phone — 208-297-3448

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